Welcome to my website where I talk about all things photography related that are going on in my life. This is not really a portfolio of my work but more a stream of consciousness style ramblings about cameras, travels and other tips and tricks I have learned over the years as a photographer.
My fellow togs have been bugging me to make a proper portfolio for my clients but truth be told, I am inundated with work so this is the next best thing. I have some time in my travels between Iceland and Mojave desert so I plant to write whatever comes to my mind. If and when I get the time to make a real portfolio, I will link it here. Do Not expect regular updates as my schedule is quite hectic.
I chose the GFX-50R over the A7R-IV

Camera bites the dust
My beloved Sony A7r camera has died and it is time for an upgrade. I have used Nikons, Canons, and Sonys over the years but I fancy a change this time. The technology seems to have moved on a lot since I last looked into buying a camera. I will keep you updated with my new gear and other accessories I end up buying.
Right now, I am really digging the retro looks of some of the new Fujifilm cameras like the XE-3 or I may quench my childhood thirst of owning a Leica.
Nikon's Free Classes
Nikon's free classes have come to an end and it was quite the experience going through all the tutorials. For those now in the know, Nikon offered a bunch of free classes during the pandemic to help photographers around the world
It was quite a nice gesture on Nikon's part help try to help photographers in these uncertain times. I went through about 5 hours of lighting tutorials. At this point in my career, my main focus is to keep improving my lighting during my photo-shoots. It is the hardest part of photography. Anyone can buy an expensive camera and lens but it takes years to get a good understanding on how light works and all the modifiers that go along with it.
Nikon D3S & 70-200VR II
Are D3S and 70-200VR II worth the upgrade?
How does the D3S compare to the D3?
How does the 70-200 VR II compare to the 70-200VR?
What I am sharing with you is a subjective hands-on user experience and objective tests. Before I continue, I just want to issue a few disclaimers.
1. I am a working wedding photographer, not a lab technician. So do not expect a blow by blow technical review.
2. I have been using Nikon equipment since I picked up photography so I have zero experience with other brands of camera. So I cannot give you a comparison of the D3S versus 5D Mark II for instance.
3. My review is based on a pre-production D3S and a production unit of 70-200VR II, and a D3 and 70-200VR. This is not a super scientific test with a big batch of equipment.
4. All images posted here are straight from camera. Apart from resizing for web viewing, the images are not altered in any manner.